Dr. Anilton Cesar Vasconcelos
Prof. Anilton C. Vasconcelos
Vasconcelos obtained the degree of Doctor in Veterinary Medicine from Federal
University of Minas Gerais, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 1979. He earned the
Specialist in Pathology degree in 1981 and the MS degree in 1985 both from Federal
University of Minas Gerais. He has served on the faculty at the Federal University
of Piauí in the northeast of Brazil from 1981 to 1987; and at the Federal
University of Minas Gerais since 1987. Following a brief period in teaching and
researching at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, he went to University of
California, Davis (in 1990) to research the pathogenesis of the immunosupression
in Infectious Bursal Disease and Newcastle Disease of chickens and was awarded
the Ph.D. degree in 1994. As a faculty member in the Department of General Pathology,
Dr. Vasconcelos is active in departmental teaching and research. He currently
is the Head of the Department and also coordinates a Laboratory dedicated to the
study of apoptosis or programmed cell death. Dr. Vasconcelos is also a member
of two Graduate Groups (Veterinary Medicine, from the School of Veterinary Medicine;
and Pathology, from the Faculty of Medicine), serving as major professor to graduate
students in Veterinary Pathology and in General Pathology. At the Graduate Group
of Pathology he is in charge with the graduate courses of Cellular Basis of Disease
and General Pathology. He currently holds the rank of associate professor. Dr.
Vasconcelos' research is supported by the FAPEMIG and CNPq. Up until now he has
published one book, one book chapter, two thesis and more than 80 abstracts and
Research Interests
His major research interests lie in the study of apoptosis, particularly in
immunosuppressive diseases and in cancer in animals, with a view to furthering
our understanding of similar diseases in humans. Currently the major emphasis
is on Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Canine Distemper, Leishmaniosis and Schistosomiasis.
In these studies he and his team utilize a variety of techniques including molecular
and biochemical analysis, immunohistochemistry, cell culture and light and electron
Selected Publications
- LAM, K.M.; VASCONCELOS, A. C. & BICKFORD, A.A. Apoptosis as a cause
of death in chicken embryos inoculated with Newcastle. Microbial Pathogenesis.
19:169-174, 1995.
- VASCONCELOS, A. C. & LAM, K.M Apoptosis in chicken embryos induced
by the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. Journal of Comparative Pathology.
112: 327-338, 1995.
- LAM, K.M. & VASCONCELOS, A. C. Newcastle induced apoptosis in Peripheral
Blood Lymphocytes. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 44: 45-56. 1994.
- VASCONCELOS, A. C. & LAM, K.M. Apoptosis induced by the Infectious
Bursal Disease Virus. Journal of General Virol Revista do Conselho Federal
de Medicina Veterinária. 6: 21-23, 1996.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C.; VASCONCELOS, M.M.A. Apoptose ou Morte Celular Programada-
Um novo conceito em Patologia? Revista Médica de Minas Gerais., 5(2):
103-108. 1996.
- REZENDE, S. A.; VASCONCELOS, A.C.; GOES, A. M.. Role of Lynphokines and
Apoptosis on in vitro granuloma modulation induced by immune complexes in
human Schistosomiasis mansoni. In: Simpósio Internacional de esquistossomose
- Reunião Nacional de esquistossomose. Salvador, Ba, de 10 a 13 de
outubro de 1995. Resumos.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Infectious Bursal Disease Virus-induced
Apoptosis in Chicken. Lymphoid Tissues. 4th Veterinary Immunology Symposium.
1995, Davis, California, - July 15 - 21 1995.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Physiological Cell Death in Chicken
Lymphoid Tissues. 9th International Congress of Immunology. 1995, San Francisco,
California, July 23 - 29 1995. Abstraunião Nacional de esquistossomose.
Salvador, Ba, de 10 a 13 de outubro de 1995. Resumos.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Infectious Bursal Disease Virus-induced
Apoptosis in Chicken. Lymphoid Tissues. 4th Veterinary Immunology Symposium.
1995, Davis, California, - July 15 - 21 1995.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Physiological Cell Death in Chicken
Lymphoid Tissues. 9th International Congress of Immunology. 1995, San Francisco,
California, July 23 - 29 1995. Abstract Book., Abstract no 4401, page 742.
- LAM, K.M. & VASCONCELOS, A.C. Apoptosis Induced by Newcastle Disease
Virus. Frontiers of Viral Pathogenesis: Ninth International Conference on
Negative Strand Viruses. Estoril, Portugal, October 2 - 7 1994. Abstract 266,
page 174.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Apoptosis in Chicken Embryos induced
by the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. American Veterinary Medical Association
131st Annual Meeting. 1994, San Francisco, California, July 9 -13 1994. Page
83, PP26.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Programmed Cell Death induced by the
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. In: 43rd Westerm Poultry Disease Conference.,
Sacramento, California,. February 27- March 1, 1994. Proceedings of the Forty-third
Western Poultry Disease Conference. p. 89-90.
Back to the Laboratory of Apoptosis
Prof. Anilton C. Vasconcelos
O Professor Anilton C. Vasconcelos graduou-se em Medicina Veterinária
pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, em Belo Horizonte, Brasil, in 1979.
Ele recebeu o título de Especialista em Patologia em 1981 e o título
de Mestre em 1985 pela mesma UFMG. Já trabalhou como professor na Universidade
Federal do Piauí de 1981 a 1987; e está na Universidade Federal
de Minas Gerais desde 1987. Após um breve período lecionando e
pesquisando nessa Universidade, ele foi para a Universidade da California, Davis
(em 1990) pesquisar a patogenia da imunosupressão na Doença de
Gumboro e na de Newcastle, recebendo o título de Ph.D. em 1994. Como
professor adjunto do Departamento de Patologia Geral, o Prof. Anilton trabalha
ativamente no ensino e na pesquisa. Atualmente ele é o chefe do Departamento
e também coordena um Laboratório dedicado a pesquisa de apoptose
ou morte celular programada. O Professor Anilton participa de dois programas
de Pós Graduação (em Medicina Veterinária, da Escola
de Veterinária; e em Patologia, da Faculdade de Medicina), sendo professor
orientador credenciado de estudantes de Pós Graduação em
Patologia Veterinária e em Patologia Geral. No programa de Patologia
da Faculdade de Medicina ele é o responsável pela disciplina de
Bases Celulares das Doenças e pelo módulo de alterações
circulatórias da disciplina Patologia Geral. Suas pesquisas são
financiadas pela FAPEMIG e CNPq. Até o momento ele já publicou
um livro, um capítulo de livro, duas teses e mais de 80 resumos e artigos
Áreas de Interesse
Seu maior interesse é em apoptose, particularmente em doenças
imunosupressoras e em cancer de animais, com o ensejo de aumentar a compreensão
de doenças similares humanas. Atualmente o maior ênfase é
em Carcinoma de células escamosas, Cinomose canina, Leishmaniose
e Esquistossomose. Nessas pesquisas ele e o seu grupo utilizam uma variedade de
técnicas que incluem análises moleculares e bioquímicas,
imunohistoquímica, cultura de células, microscopia ótica
e eletronica.
Publicações - Uma amostra
- LAM, K.M.; VASCONCELOS, A. C. & BICKFORD, A.A. Apoptosis as a cause
of death in chicken embryos inoculated with Newcastle. Microbial Pathogenesis.
19:169-174, 1995.
- VASCONCELOS, A. C. & LAM, K.M Apoptosis in chicken embryos induced
by the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. Journal of Comparative Pathology.
112: 327-338, 1995.
- LAM, K.M. & VASCONCELOS, A. C. Newcastle induced apoptosis in Peripheral
Blood Lymphocytes. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 44: 45-56. 1994.
- VASCONCELOS, A. C. & LAM, K.M. Apoptosis induced by the Infectious
Bursal Disease Virus. Journal of General Virology. 75: 1803-1806. 1994.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. Necrópsia e conservação de espécimes
para laboratório. Cadernos Técnicos da Escola de Veterinária
da UFMG. 16: 5-30, 1996.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. O Enígma da "Doença da Vaca Louca". Revista
Brasileira de Reprodução Animal., 20(1):12-17, 1996.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. Doenças Exóticas - Estratégia
de vigilancia, realidades e perspectivas. Revista do Conselho Federal de Medicina
Veterinária. 6: 21-23, 1996.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C.; VASCONCELOS, M.M.A. Apoptose ou Morte Celular Programada-
Um novo conceito em Patologia? Revista Médica de Minas Gerais., 5(2):
103-108. 1996.
- REZENDE, S. A.; VASCONCELOS, A.C.; GOES, A. M.. Role of Lynphokines and
Apoptosis on in vitro granuloma modulation induced by immune complexes in
human Schistosomiasis mansoni. In: Simpósio
Internacional de esquistossomose - Reunião Nacional de esquistossomose.
Salvador, Ba, de 10 a 13 de outubro de 1995. Resumos.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Infectious Bursal Disease Virus-induced
Apoptosis in Chicken. Lymphoid Tissues. 4th Veterinary Immunology Symposium.
1995, Davis, California, - July 15 - 21 1995.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Physiological Cell Death in Chicken
Lymphoid Tissues. 9th International Congress of Immunology. 1995, San Francisco,
California, July 23 - 29 1995. Abstract Book., Abstract no 4401, page 742.
- LAM, K.M. & VASCONCELOS, A.C. Apoptosis Induced by Newcastle Disease
Virus. Frontiers of Viral Pathogenesis: Ninth International Conference on
Negative Strand Viruses. Estoril, Portugal, October 2 - 7 1994. Abstract 266,
page 174.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Apoptosis in Chicken Embryos induced
by the Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. American Veterinary Medical Association
131st Annual Meeting. 1994, San Francisco, California, July 9 -13 1994. Page
83, PP26.
- VASCONCELOS, A.C. & LAM, K.M. Programmed Cell Death induced by the
Infectious Bursal Disease Virus. In: 43rd Westerm Poultry Disease Conference.,
Sacramento, California,. February 27- March 1, 1994. Proceedings of the Forty-third
Western Poultry Disease Conference. p. 89-90.
para Laboratório de Apoptose